sexual truth

sexual truth

Sex is a story best told together. Many voices are needed to effectively explore and understand one of the most powerful and diverse human experiences.

We're exploring how a group of strangers across the internet could co-create meaningful work about sexuality.

The Collective Sexual Truth Game is an experiment in collectively sourcing the genuine thoughts and stories of many and translating them into collaboratively produced work (podcast episodes, articles, games, art) that seeks to change sexual culture for the better.

We'd love for you to play with us.

Here's How It Works


Once a week, you get texted a question about sex. Some example questions are:

  • What makes you come alive sexually?

  • What's your relationship with pleasure?

  • What inspires you sexually? (People, art, nature, etc.)


You (+ other people in our community) answer via text message, voicememo, video, image, art, or skip if it doesn’t resonate. You have the option to be anonymous at any point.


At the end of the week, you’ll receive a link to see everyone’s answers.


If your answer strikes a chord, we might ask if we can add it to some of the work we’re producing.

We might ask to interview you and others for the podcast.

There may be energy in the group to produce something (make a podcast episode, an article, a piece of art, etc). We’ll see where the aliveness takes us. ✨

We hope this game will be an opportunity for self-reflection, expression and a way to create powerful work together.

Wanna play? Great! Sign up below.

More Information

When do I get the text message question each week? When is my response due? 🗓️

Questions go out on Mondays. Responses are due by the end of the day on Sundays.

Can I be anonymous? 😶‍🌫️

Absolutely! You can choose an anonymous pseudonym/username when you fill out the sign-up form above.

If you usually go by your real name but one week down the line you'd like to be anonymous, just include the 😶‍🌫️ emoji in your texts and we’ll know to remove your name from the game that week. We’ll remind you of this each week so the option to be anonymous will be top of mind.

What if I want my name associated with my responses?

Absolutely! You can choose an anonymous pseudonym/username when you fill out the sign-up form above.

If you usually go by your real name but one week down the line you'd like to be anonymous, just include the 😶‍🌫️ emoji in your texts and we’ll know to remove your name from the game that week. We’ll remind you of this each week so the option to be anonymous will be top of mind.

What if a particular answer feels a lil scary to share publicly?

Our advice would be to inquire within and see if it feels scary in an exciting way or scary in an unsafe way.

There's no pressure to submit anything that you don't feel 1000% clear about sharing. Only do so if it feels good and true to you.

You always have option to post anonymously by including the 😶‍🌫️ emoji in your texts if that would help create a sense of safety for you. And you always have the option to not share your answer. Just sitting with your answer is beautiful and worthwhile. ❤️

What are you gonna do with the answers I share?

Basically, we want to make art with what you and other participants share. We want to produce podcast episodes, digital tools like a collaborative erotica-writing platform (!), articles, social media posts, art of many forms…that help people realize their own sexual truth, step into their sexual creativity, and orient to sex from a place of reverence and responsibility.

You’ll have full power over if and how we use your words and your identity in the work we produce.

For example: Let’s say you submit a voice memo with a particularly alive answer to the weekly question. It feels like it would fit so beautifully in a podcast episode we’re already working on on that topic. Well, then Savannah will directly ask you if we can use your answer in the podcast in xyz way. You’ll get to opt in or out with zero pressure. If you say yes then when we’re close to completing the project we’ll circle back with you and make sure you feel good about how your words are presented.

If you have any thoughts or questions about this process, please reach out. We want everyone to feel as safe as possible in this process so that we can be truly creative together.

What if I have a random sexual story that I just need to share or I need to express an insight I’m having about sex? 😏

Dude, go off! We want all of it. 😍 We want to know what you’re learning, what sexual experiences you’re having that feel important to share. Text the number anytime.

What if I have a question I’d like the group to answer one week? 🧐

Text it to the number! We’d love to consider it.

Can I opt out?

Of course. You can opt out of the game whenever you want, just send a text saying so. You can jump back in by texting the number as well.

Can I invite my friends to play?

Of course! You can share this webpage far and wide. We'd love for everyone and anyone to play. 🥳

What kinds of answers are welcome? What kinds of answers are not welcome?

Basically any answer is welcome so long as it is not harmful to others. If your or another person’s answer is harmful to an individual or group of people, it will not be included in the game. Recurring harmful answers will result in being dropped from the game.

Aside from that, you are welcome to get as weird, vulgar, woo woo, esoteric, dramatic, abstract, hyper-specific, creative, or kinky as you damn well please. 😍

Where will this game be played?

We’ll be playing privately over text message.

But we’re also excited about what a more multiplayer version of this game looks like too. We’ll be posting each week's question on the WSCB Discord Server, to the WSCB twitter and probably to our instagram. So if you want to answer with others you can also play there.

We won't be pulling answers from discord and social media into the figma board though so if you want to be included in the group board, then play via text message.

Where will all the answers go?

All questions and answers will live on a figma board on the WSCB website. At then end of the week the figma board will be shared with the group and we’ll all get to read each other’s answers.

Our hope is that it looks like a beautiful mood board of collective sexual intelligence.

Can I take down an answer of mine?

Of course. If you want us to remove any of your answers from the figma board, or remove your name from your answer we can totally do that, just text the number and we’ll jump on it.

Got more questions?

That’s perfect. Send Savannah a text with whatever questions you may have.

"The Fine Print"

Sex is a sensitive topic for many people. One of our goals is to normalize sex in all its beautiful nuances. Normalizing sex means normalizing our sexual truth. We realize that we don’t yet live in a world where there are zero negative consequences for sexual honesty. So it is our commitment to protect the identities of those who want to contribute to the work of What Sex Can Be anonymously.

We will never share your phone number and will protect it fiercely. That being said the internet is a place where it is difficult to have complete, perfect privacy. There are implicit risks involved in participating in this game. Risks we will do everything we can to mitigate, but risks nonetheless. Please be mindful of this as you participate.

© 2024 What Sex Can Be

© 2024 What Sex Can Be

© 2024 What Sex Can Be