Sex can be

Sex can be

weird in the best way.

trauma healing.

like dancing.

emotionally intelligent.



wildly kinky.

safe again.

weird in the best way.

weird in the best way.

trauma healing.

like dancing.

emotionally intelligent.



wildly kinky.

safe again.

weird in the best way.

“I've received a richer sexual education from honest conversations with friends than I ever got in sex ed or from what was modeled as sex in porn. I got to see a mature, human representation of how people were approaching something so precious as intimacy."
“I've received a richer sexual education from honest conversations with friends than I ever got in sex ed or from what was modeled as sex in porn. I got to see a mature, human representation of how people were approaching something so precious as intimacy."

Savannah Kruger

Founder of WSCB

Savannah Kruger

Founder of WSCB

Our intention is take the stories and perspectives of our community and produce work that enables others to feel like a more free, enjoyable, authentic way of connecting intimately is possible and available to them. And to equip them with the ability to realize that new way in their own lives.

What's the plan?

Our community comes together over text, on recorded calls, and at in-person gatherings to share our thoughts, experiences, and ideas about sex in the hopes of creating the sex lives that we want and the larger sexual culture we want.

Specifically, we gather to:
  1. Talk & Listen

Share our thoughts and our experiences — and as a result, be inspired into new realms of sexual freedom and creativity by each other.
Share our thoughts and our experiences — and as a result, be inspired into new realms of sexual freedom and creativity by each other.
Share our thoughts and our experiences — and as a result, be inspired into new realms of sexual freedom and creativity by each other.
  1. Experiment

Participate in experiments and applied research studies. Ex: a group forms to try out a new mindset during sex and reports back on what influence it had.
Participate in experiments and applied research studies. Ex: a group forms to try out a new mindset during sex and reports back on what influence it had.
Participate in experiments and applied research studies. Ex: a group forms to try out a new mindset during sex and reports back on what influence it had.
  1. Create

Co-create resources and projects that help others access new sexual possibilities — one of which is a podcast.
Co-create resources and projects that help others access new sexual possibilities — one of which is a podcast.
Co-create resources and projects that help others access new sexual possibilities — one of which is a podcast.

These games and gatherings will coalesce into creative work including a podcast by the same name: “What Sex Can Be” wherein audio clips from our various conversations are woven together.

If the idea of speaking candidly about sex in an effort to help others experience more beautiful sex excites you, we’d love to connect.

If you're feeling excited reading these words, if you feel a "yessss" bubbling up, if you're curious about what joining our collective might entail, we'd love for you to apply below.

Here's what will happen next after you apply:
  1. We review applications about once a week, so you’ll know if you’re in in about that time via text message.
  2. Savannah will reach out to you to have an in-person hang (if you’re in or around Boulder, CO) or a call to bring you into the community.
  3. Then you’ll have the opportunity to join our discord, come to community calls, and co-produce creative work on a whole slew of sexual topics.
If you have any questions, feel free to text Savannah here. We so look forward to connecting with you. 🥰


Learn more about our podcast format and plan.

Apply to join our collective here.
Sign up to get a text when our first season of the podcast drops.


Learn more about our podcast format and plan.
Sign up to get a text when our first season of the podcast drops.

© 2024 What Sex Can Be

© 2024 What Sex Can Be

© 2024 What Sex Can Be