I wish so many things were considered normal! For starters, education about female pleasure. And exploration as opposed to having such rigid expectations on ourselves and our partners. I especially wish that for people just starting to be sexually active, but also for everyone. To communicate and have fun with exploring and to create safe spaces with each other. I’m sure for some people this is naturally already the case, but from my experience there seems to be this expectation that people should just automatically be good at sex, and then many of the images we are fed in the media about what that means are so off. There’s so much performance pressure and I want fun, exploration, freedom to be awkward and mess up, communication, and silliness to all be more normalized.

- Ru

So many things. I just want the human body to be normal. Not hyper sexualized, not considered a shameful thing to never relate to.

Just a normal, beautiful thing we all have.

- Savannah Kruger

Question of the Week:

What about sex do you wish was considered normal in our larger culture?


- Jon Bo

Question of the Week:

What about sex do you wish was considered normal in our larger culture?

I wish so many things were considered normal! For starters, education about female pleasure. And exploration as opposed to having such rigid expectations on ourselves and our partners. I especially wish that for people just starting to be sexually active, but also for everyone. To communicate and have fun with exploring and to create safe spaces with each other. I’m sure for some people this is naturally already the case, but from my experience there seems to be this expectation that people should just automatically be good at sex, and then many of the images we are fed in the media about what that means are so off. There’s so much performance pressure and I want fun, exploration, freedom to be awkward and mess up, communication, and silliness to all be more normalized.

- Ru

So many things. I just want the human body to be normal. Not hyper sexualized, not considered a shameful thing to never relate to.

Just a normal, beautiful thing we all have.

- Savannah Kruger


- Jon Bo

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