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Learn about the conversation model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete and list conversations.


Learn about the message model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete and list messages.


Learn about the group model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete and list groups

What We're Looking For

For “experts w businesses” vet them as much as possible w whoever recommended them, get them to sign a form so all their info is is one place, see if Jon can help me connect that form submission to framer to populate a user page (also connects to written contributions and podcast episodes on the site too) this becomes the Our Network page where people can search for people by tag, expertise, especially after listening to an episode and them being mentioned). Also form and comms w them make it clear that their participation does not guarantee their presence on the podcast and they are not allowed to shill the discord. They can make their offerings known in their intro which is aggregated and in their discord profile card If people want to work w them those people can seek them out. Making the format of the podcast, and the ways in which the expert would be engaged/engage very clear at the top of the form page. Basically, what questions can I answer before getting on the phone with them/meeting in person so that they can filter themselves and we can have a more focused conversation?

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“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”

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© 2023 What Sex Can Be